BMCT wrote this interesting wrap up of Celebrity vs Cunard... and makes a point that I had thought (around best to go on a crossing versus cruise.. which is our plan!).
He wrote; " ..Wasn't the ship (QM2) beautiful! I think Celebrity and QM2 attract about the same crowd--with the Queen being a bit more "stylish" and dressy. The formal nights saw people in much dressier dress than we have seen on Celebrity. We saw only one man in blue jeans, and he was not allowed into the dining room, where on Celebrity he would have been. We didn't seem to run into some of the snobbishness we saw on Crystal.
This cruise also had a younger crowd than many Cunard cruises, with several families with children. And it was the most "international" of any we have been on. ..........The public areas are quite spacious, the lounge entertainment more to our liking than on X. Cabins about the same as on Summit, with the big exception being the hair dryers being bolted into the drawer under the TV and hard to use on the QM2....
..........One of our biggest complaints was pricing -- on the QM2 you are paying for the "name." Welcome aboard photos are $27.50! The per diem is quite a bit higher than on Celebrity, and quite frankly, I'm not sure it's worth it. The entertainment is better, the public room decor more lavish, but still, the per diem is closer to that of Crystal/RSSC than Celebrity. Plus, they have their hand out all the time. Crystal now includes soft drinks in their pricing, while QM2 doesn't. RSSC includes a bar set-up in the suite, QM2 doesn't. RSSC also includes all tips, wine and liquor in the dining room at dinner, while QM2 doesn't.
Would we sail on her again? For a crossing, yes. For a cruise, not sure.