After being on the receiving end of lots of great advice as we planned our QE2 trip, it was nice to be able to give some to others.
A lady had posted this on the “WeLoveCruising” site:
“Definitely going on our first cruise this year, but where, when andon what! Advert in today's paper for QE2 Mediterranean Mosaic freeinsurance and free upgrade. My husband is 52 (well, 53 tomorrow butwho's counting) and I am 48. Like to think we are young at heart.Like to be sociable. Like good food and nice wine. I have readgood reports about the QE2, but is she for the same clientele who goon her every year? Would we be on the young side to go on the QE2?Anyone know of any advantages/disadvantages e.g. is the alcoholexpensive, can you walk all the way round the QE2 (to get rid of theextra pounds). Any particular cabins to avoid. Is it very over-the-top service wise. Does the QE2 have, say, library, cinema,entertainment? I understand she will be no longer around after 2007and should we take the opportunity whilst we can.Janet”
I wrote back saying:
Read your query with interest. We are new to cruising and have (so far) been on a short trip on P&O Aurora and the QE2 December transatlantic crossing. We loved both.
However, the QE2 is an old ship and while we absolutely loved the experience and relished the history and the style (which is dated and quirky). But we met a few people who did not like it as missed the format and structure that newer ships have.
Also, as other posting have stated - a lot depends onwhat "class" you travel. We were in Queens Grill in a penthouse suite and it wasquite amazing. The restaurant was fabulous, the pampering etc. But the lowerinside cabins are not at all appealing. There are (unlike newer ships) manycabins (even at the higher grades) with balconies. The only ones being the penthouse suites.I wrote a review of our QE2 trip and have posted a lot of photo that may be of interest.
I also wrote a comparison of the QE2 vs. Aurora experience that may help. Thelinks are below.The QE2 does have some problems due to her age (like plumbing and airconditioning), and I would personally only recommend the QE2 to people who are"cruise buffs" or want to experience the history of the ship and Cunard beforethe ship is retired (probably in 2007 as the Qe2 will no longer meet newregulations coming in that year).Photos of QE2: review of the QE2: of QE2 and Aurora (I cut and paste the review I had here on my blog here).
She wrote back:
“Thanks very much for your advice. Have read your review on QE2(plus the others) and have decided not to go with QE2. The choiceis either P & O or Celebrity. Because of not booking in advance, Iguess it is a case of finding what we can.Thanks againJanet”