Here is another comments and reaction on my review/ observations of our fab crossing that appeared in the Cruisecritic boards:
This is from RJMS, who wrote:
“Gary,Thanks very much for your postings over the last few days and very glad to hear 'in the main' you had a good time on QE2, the Queens Grill Rest. As I knew you would after having experienced this Rest. For the 3rd time (out of 4 trips I've made on QE2) onboard earlier this year during a Med cruise.
Whilst I too accept & realize the QE2 is not what she once was (I only have recollections from my grandmother & late grandfather + hundreds of photos & video footage from QE2 mainly from QG level from the maiden voyage to 1991 when I gather the QE2 was probably a lot better than it is now), this does add to part of the charm / old world type feel / ambience to a trip on board in the sense that you realize not everything will be just so & brand new so to speak, but I must agree that some of your comments re poor plumbing in the p/house accommodation is totally unacceptable & re the public restrooms & 'towels in the QG Lounge' as are the air con problems re noise & re temp currently being experienced on board.
Friends of my grandparents are onboard QE2 at the moment in a cabin similar to yours and if they are having such problems after many cruises on QE2 & always at QG level they will not be happy at all! I will report back to the board once I hear about their trip upon their return!It is good though to hear that the QG Restaurant delivered once again re food & service. Re the poor weather experienced perhaps this added to the many problems re plumbing, leaking windows, etc - having said this they have many crew members and a chief engineer so surely these issues should be resolved quickly and without inconveniencing guests especially those who are paying a premium for the experience!
I must ask who the Maitre D ‘was during your crossing in the QG - was it Mr James? (He was there on my Oct. cruise).I am back onboard once again next year although this time I wanted to try the Princess Grill so will report back once I have traveled during the summer next year. I can forego a certain amount of problems / issues especially if the food & service levels still remain high & on the mark so to speak which during my October trip was more than evident. In fact friends of mine travel in the Caronia Rest. enjoyed their cruise much more than an earlier trip this year on QM2 - where in 5 days they said 'they never had a good meal' - they have been on QE2 many times & are back again in 2005.
Gary - do you have a link to your photos you took onboard as after reading your cruise blog (very interesting) I only saw a few photos?”