Here was the first comment to a posting I did to the QE2 Yahoo group about the thoughts / observations on the QE2 and the crossing (which is posted on my blog below):
Marc wrote:
"When I was first on QE2 in May 2002, I was a bit taken by the decor as Gary describes. But I discovered that the faded glory is much if QE2's charm. She is worn and a bit threadbare in places, but that adds to her glamour.
QM2 is so NEW and pristine that she does not show any history (as is to be expected from a brand new ship of course!). QE2 has so many litte pock-marks and bumps and grinds that are utterly charming.
And on QM2 I missed the creaks of the cabins. QM2 was so quiet. When you are on QE2 you know you are at sea because of the way your cabin creaks.
I have grown to love QE2's creaks, rough patches, and faded elegance. Keep in mind that she was built in the late 1960s, "a swinging and hip decade," and her architeture bares that out.
But we do love her so!!!"