Well as I write this we are currently on our way to New York, coming up for 24 hours at sea. And what a sea it is! As the notice board where they post the weather and other route information puts it, it is a "rough sea" and there is a Force 8 gale.
Poor Mark was not at all well by late morning, and rushed from the end of his 09:30 bridge class up to our swaying suite to unhappily be sick. We lay for a while and then agreed that the best thing to do would be to go down to the medical facility (which is in stairway C level 6- the joke being that it is at C6 which sounds like "sea sick"). There we both had the famous jab that is supposed to knock you out for a while, and then when you awake you feel good and starving. We did fall asleep at about half past noon and awoke starving, feeling okay (if a bit groggy) just in time for delicious white glove afternoon tea service in the Queen Grill Lounge.
The one thing that makes us feel better, is that it is clear that this is not just the norm as even one of the butlers (Gordon) who has just popped in to deliver our evening canapés asked if we had heard anything about when "we are going to get out of these seas" and when I said the notice board made it sound like not until Saturday he rolled his eyes unhappily.
But more about all of this later on, I guess I should start at the beginning of our trip.