Busy, busy, busy (written Friday 17 December @ 19:10)
There just does not seem to be enough time in the day! This afternoon we did get to the gym and were good doing 30 minutes on the cross-trainer and then some weights. We then had lovely afternoon tea again in the Queens Grill Lounge, went for another wind swept walk on the deck. I really like being on the deck. It is very quiet out there, very blowing but amazing seeing the ship ploughing through the ocean at speed.
For lunch today I had carrot broth and tempura vegetables and salad. Mark had chicken croquettes and beef sandwich with chips.
We were talking to Maureen (one of the butlers on our level) about the freaky couple who sit at a table for 6, but just laid for 2 and it is covered in toys. The one evening with Disney characters, and at lunch today a whole pile of others that I did not recognise. She told us that they book both of the 2 big suites every year on the world cruise, although they do sleep together. They have so much luggage that when any cabin is free on our level their luggage is put in there and some they leave permanently on the ship. She has one trunk (which Mark swears she said was Luis Vuitton although I don't remember that part) which is just of jewellery that gets left on board all year. It could cost them around $500000 for all they do a year, as the suites cost at least £60000 per person sharing and so the suites alone would be at least £250000 a year!!
We watched half of "Finding Nemo" on the video channel (they run about 3 films all day), and part of the lecture about Brunel, Cunard and other people responsible for developing Trans-atlantic travel and services which was done earlier today by the historian Stephen Fox. Although we haven't actually been to any of the lectures, as we have been too busy, we have watched most of them as they run them on the TV. So far, I have been very impressed as they are very interesting and well delivered.
From what we can gather the lecturers are not paid, but get free passage in Queens Grill. Mark's bridge lecturers for example are a husband and wife ex-teacher couple that are teaching on the crossing and get the trip as payment. Although we have not seen them in Queens Grill and so maybe it is only the lecturers that get that perk.