VIDEO: "The last great liner" (Castle Communications) 1995
I own 2 versions of this video. One of which is billed as a "WH Smith Exclusive Video & Book" (pictured) and then just a video version with the same cover without the "WH Smith" flag and without the book! The booklet that comes with the video is 96 pages and gives a more detailed history and lots of facts and figures, describing for example what is on each of the decks.
This video covers the history of the QE2 from conception through to refits in 1994. It is a fairly "sanitised" version of the story, and either ignores or glosses over some of the trials and tribulations in the history. It has interviews with the 1st master (Warwick) and a fairly detailed one with Master Jackson (the one who took the QE2 to the Falklands when it was requisitioned). There are then some other interviews with various historians and commentators.
The problem is that the quality of the interviews (like the other videos I have seen so far) are of very "home made" quality and style.This was the 1st video I ever saw about the QE2 and it is enjoyable and interesting, although it is now very dated but gives a good sense in 55 minutes of the ship and the inside and outside.