I just had to buy this book!
I had planned to wait and read it when I was on the QE2, so that it would hopefully be more exciting as I could relate to where things were taking place. But I needed and felt like some light reading and figured this was it. And it was.
It was a fairly good story, with the usual twists and turns. Easy to read - although not the best written book in the world. It gets off to a bit of a shaky start and I almost gave up in the first chapter or two as it really felt like it was lumbering along a bit.
I think the main problem is that it is written from Jessica Fletcher's point of view (as you can tell from the picture she supposedly co-wrote it....). But we are used to WATCHING her, and see the story on the TV series as an observer and not from "inside her head". I think this book and story woudl have been better and stronger if it was written that way. You just felt at points that Jessica Fletcher would not do that or think that (she seemed, for example, a bit unkind at times for example!).
But of course the magic was it is on the QE2 and that was the fun part. The sense of imagining that it was happening.
In the story, she has been asked to lecture and also write a 3 part murder mystery play on a May trans-atlantic crossing to entertain the guests. Of course, someone gets murdered as always happens when dear old Jessica pitches up..... lots of people are connected with the person murdered to confuse and surprise, and the least expected person who we hardly hear about "did it" (as usual). So the formula is consistent.
I think that they have done a murder mystery type of serieson the QE2 like in the book. Would be fun (without the real murder of course!).