I saw this offer on the site for the 4 night "Gallic Getaway" on the QE2 that goes on 25 June... (I would love to do it but we will be off a month later on the Arcadia for 2 weeks)...
QE2 - Fleet flagship at Trafalgar 200
Join us for the celebrations from just £449pp
A dramatic enactment of a Napoleonic sea battle is just one of the sensational highlights of a festival marking Trafalgar’s 200th anniversary. And you can be there when you join the most famous ship in the world on a Gallic Getaway.
Heritage- lovers – make it a date! Join Queen Elizabeth 2 for A Gallic Getaway to St Peter Port and Le Havre and be a part of living history. The most famous ship in the world will be the heart and soul of the Trafalgar 200 celebrations on 28th June 2005 at Spithead in the Solent to mark the bicentenary of Nelson’s finest hour. The fireworks alone, we’re assured, should safely make history!
Ships from more than 30 of the world’s navies will participate in the International Fleet Review in the presence of First Sea Lord Admiral Sir Alan West. Come and watch a 600 year old tradition transformed into a modern celebration of international maritime friendship and co- operation.Let the battle commence!More than just a thrilling naval occasion, the Fleet Review fills the sea with many of the world’s finest tall ships plus thousands of other vessels including racing yachts, fishing craft, private boats and merchant ships of every size and flag. It’s enough to make the waters foam while, overhead, the skies come alive with flypasts.
Dusk sees the final preparations for battle. Son et lumière. Blazing broadsides. Gun smoke, war cries, pyrotechnics and music. It’s as close to a Napoleonic sea battle as you’d wish to come.
Thank heavens for Queen Elizabeth 2 and her creature comforts! And as night falls memorably on the Solent and a floodlit fleet, the party culminates in one of the biggest firework displays ever staged in the UK. Another ‘finest hour’ in the making? We do believe Nelson would take his hat off.Sail on QE2's Gallic Getaway featured below and be part of history!
MMM, maybe I can try and find a way of juggling holiday dates and doing this. Sounds brilliant!! Mark hinted it may be on the cards to do... perhaps wait until we are on the QE2 in December and book something then....???