QE2 VIEWS: INSIDER # 1 (Stowaway2K)

Here is a QE2 Insider View #1 from a message board member called "stowaway2k", who posted this to me on my most favourite Cruise Board site at CruiseCritic.com
"I was on QE2 last May, and I'm looking forward to meeting you on the Dec. crossing. You'll love QE2. I promise. Just keep this point in mind:
Marketing brochures are made to sell a product. Don't put too much stock in Cunard's, or anyone else's, marketing machines. But...QE2 is like no other ship afloat, and never has been. She is one of a kind. She has been sailing for about 35 years now, and that makes her very old in ship life...but so what? She is , IMHO, the most beautiful ship afloat, bar none.
She was built as a two-class ship, so you'll find quirks and foibles, and personality traits that are unique to her. These are, to me, what makes her special to sail on. A six day Atlantic crossing, especially in winter, isn't for everyone. It's for people with a sense of adventure, and for people who tend to be broad-minded about their experiences. If you are looking for Las Vegas style glitz, you'll be disappointed. You won't find shiny surfaces, neon, loud colours, huge multi-level showrooms, ice skating, rock climbing, Starbucks, etc. I don't think that's what you're expecting though.
You also won't find perfection. Nothing man-made is perfect. You might have a meal that doesn't knock your socks off, you might have a bartender that's a little slow, but so what? You'll be at sea for six days straight. I doubt there's such a thing as perfection on any ship for six solid days. You'll see some areas that look a little tired, such as the teak decks. But so what? It doesn't matter.
What does matter is that you're crossing the North Atlantic on a ship that is a living legend. She earned that for a reason. So her time on centre stage is about over, but so what? You're there. You're now a part of her, and she'll be a part of you. So she's not the newest, biggest, grandest, blah blah blah whatever. She's the Queen Elizabeth 2, and you're going to love her. I promise. I'll be in cabin XXXX. In New York you can tell me I was full of it, or that I was right. Only you'll know. These are my opinions only, gained from my experiences only. See you aboard!"
Isn't that just great!!
Others on the message board agreed by writing these comments on the board to his posting(and prove my point!!!):
WRIPRO: "your description of the QE2 and her merits gave me goosebumps and brought back wonderful memories of my two crossings on her. You are right that nothing is perfect but then neither am i so why should I expect a ship to be? The idea of crossing the atlantic by ocean liner and following in footsteps of all those who did so when that was the only option still excites me. in fact, I leave friday to go to NY for a round trip crossing on the QM2 with time in paris in between and if she is as thrilling as the QE2 Ill be a very happy camper. (or sailor????!!!!"
SEACRUISE9: "Your description of the QE2 is excellent! As I said above, I love this ship and look forward to my seventh trip on the QE2 next year. The QE2 truly is special and unique".
BRIANBORU: "I couldn't have said it better, kj/stowaway. There's nothing quite like midatlantic on the QE2--a strange mix of isolation from the world and shipboard community, of purpose (we're bound for New York [or Southampton]!) and relaxation. A brisk walk on the Boat Deck, all sea, sky, spray and finding your sealegs, followed by hot tea, a good book and great conversation. I can't wait for December!"