As you will know, is one of my most favourite sites. The boards on the site are the most active and the most interesting that I have come across.
I started a "roll call" to see how many of the people posting were on the December Crossing.
It look like quite a few.
So far there are 9 (so far):
* "transat jon" (real name Jon) on deck 5
* "Ken W"
* "BrianBoru" (Chris & Tom)
* "Viv the Parrot" (2034 - Deck 2)
* "Stowaway2K" (Kyle in 1011)
* "Transatlantic Tom" (Tom and his wife Jan) - on deck 5
* "SFO-John" - in 3053
There are some other that I have chatted to Yahoo Groups who I will add.
Looking forward to meeting the people I have been sharing postings with.