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CRUISE LINKS (with Gary Bembridge)

Saturday, October 16, 2004


As you will know, is one of my most favourite sites. The boards on the site are the most active and the most interesting that I have come across.

I started a "roll call" to see how many of the people posting were on the December Crossing.

It look like quite a few.

So far there are 9 (so far):
* "transat jon" (real name Jon) on deck 5
* "Ken W"
* "BrianBoru" (Chris & Tom)
* "Viv the Parrot" (2034 - Deck 2)
* "Stowaway2K" (Kyle in 1011)
* "Transatlantic Tom" (Tom and his wife Jan) - on deck 5
* "SFO-John" - in 3053

There are some other that I have chatted to Yahoo Groups who I will add.

Looking forward to meeting the people I have been sharing postings with.

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