I just noticed that on the Cunard UK site you can now order the 2006 QE2 World Cruise brochure. That was not there about a week ago.
It kicks off on the 3 January from Southampton to New York! You can see on the site from Jan 2006 to April 2006
The blurb about the brochure on the site says:
"Visit 42 ports in 27 nations and discover some of the world's great natural and man-made wonders on QUEEN ELIZABETH 2 's 2006 World Cruise. Discover the thrill of sailing a legend. Revel in the singular excitement of exploring the world in the high style and easy grace. Book the Full World Cruise or merely a portion and take advantage of our wonderful choice of tours including multi-day excursions to such legendary sights as Uluru (Ayers Rock), the Great Wall of China and the Taj Mahal. "
How I would LOVE to do that.... maybe at least the Jan crossing......!! Although we have spoken about trying to do the December 2005 QM2 Caribbean... (not sure where we will be getting all the holiday days from!!) .
A world cruise is on THE LIST of things I will do. On the list was Concorde (done), QE2 (about to do), Orient Express and Blue Train (South Africa) - and now a world cruise.
SPOOKY UPDATE: In response to the posting about the World Cruise that I put on the Yahoo QE2 Group, this posting was sent to the group:
"P. A. Koroluk"
Sat, 16 Oct 2004 13:00:27 +0900
Subject: Re: [QE2] QUEEN ELIZABETH 2 2006 World Cruise
Dear Mr. Chiswick,Thank you so much for bringing our attention to the publication of the 2006 QE2 World Cruise information. It is wonderful to know that our ocean liner will be on the world cruise for at least one more year.I remain,Your unworthy servant,-- Paul Koroluk writing from Tokyo"