On 15 Dec 2004 we are heading off on the first trip on the QE2. It will be the famous transatalantic crossing from Southhampton to New York. We are booked in a Q2 cabin on the signal deck (see the layout of that deck in the picture). As I have been doing rather a lot of looking and finding out about the QE2, I will share in ths blog some of the sites and links that I have found very helpful on both the QE2 and for our new passion in cruising.
Visit the Cunard site
We originally spoke about going on the trip between Christmas 2004 and New Year . This was after we had also had a less than brilliant time, as we had a big break in at our flat and the people who did it really cleaned us out (taking just over £15000 of plazma TV computers etc) and left a huge mess as they had opened all the Christmas presents etc.
After we booked with Cunard, where we got a 30% discount. But a bit later (as I had kept looking at the site and various message boards) I noticed that they were offering 50% discounts and so the Q4 that we had booked was a whole £1000 each less! I called Cunard and they offered to upgrade us to a Q3 - but we eventually agreed to pay £150 each more and now have a Q2!! This has a butler service, is on the very top in what they call the "penthouse suites" with their own entrance. Above a Q2 is the Q1 and Qs suites which are the 2 roomed ones. But there are only less than 8 suites better than a Q2. So we are now VERY excited indeed. Our 1st trip on the QE2 will be in real style!!
We are in 8006 on the Sun deck. Reading in a message board one guy told me these are amoung the best of the Q2s.