Yesterday when I got home from work I got very excited! As in the post had arrived the first of the materials for our December QE2 crossing. It was in the form of 2 bound booklets that had our names printed on them and inside where various details about embarcking and disembarcking, with some offers on the Hilton for the night before and how to get to and from in the UK and New York.
They seem to have better deals on the limo pick up from home to Southampton than the one I booked through their CruiseConnection service on the website. But hey ho, we think we will leave it as it is. We are not sure what to do on getting from QE2 in NYC to Penn Station to get the train to Washington - there is a $19 bus or a $50 car. Think we may go for the car and go posh the whole way! Which reminds me, I need to book the train too.
Getting these made it seem even closer.. although still about 75 days away!!!!
The booklet was exciting to get but did not sure what expected as felt I wanted to know more after looking at it! There are 20 pages (and as mentioned nice as has our names pronted on them) and contained:
- General info on embarkation (but no specifics about times, just in options to get there that they offer) - information on visas and where to get help - an offere from the Hilton for the night before - general stuff about life on board (pretty much same as in the brochures) - disembarkation information and optiosn to book once en route)